What is b786bdb3c67d.exe and how to fix b786bdb3c67d.exe ?

What is b786bdb3c67d.exe file ?

Most antivirus programs identify b786bdb3c67d.exe as malware—e.g. BitDefender identifies it as Application.Generic.952088, and Sophos identifies it as Generic PUA GB.

Follow steps bellow to try fix the problem with b786bdb3c67d.exe

1. Use cleanmgr

To run the command cleanmgr :
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box , followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command cleanmgr and press Enter.

2. Use sfc /scannow

To run the command sfc /scannow :
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box, followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command sfc /scannow and press Enter.

3. uninstalling programs :

To uninstall unnecessary programs :
Open the Start menu (Press Windows key + X) .
Click the first menu item Programs and Features.
Search unnecessary programs in the list of installed programs, .
Click the software you want to uninstall.

4. using msconfig

To run the command msconfig :
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box, followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command msconfig and press Enter.

5. Automatic Update

To run the command wuauclt /ShowWindowsUpdate:
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box, followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command wuauclt /ShowWindowsUpdate and press Enter.

6. Use resmon command

To run the command resmon :
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box, followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command resmon and press Enter.

7. use DISM.exe

To run the command DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth :
Press Windows key + Q.
Enter cmd in search box, followed by the combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run it as Administrator.
Enter the command DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press Enter.

b786bdb3c67d.exe descriptions

B786bdb3c67d.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. The file b786bdb3c67d.exe is located in a subfolder of “C:Program Files (x86)” (usually C:Program Files (x86)f552dd4c52e3).;Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 2,385,920 bytes (33% of all occurrences), 1,114,624 bytes, 2,386,432 bytes, 997,952 bytes or 994,304 bytes.;There is no file information. The program starts when Windows starts (see Registry key: MACHINERun).;It is not a Windows system file. The program is not visible.;B786bdb3c67d.exe is able to monitor applications.;Therefore the technical security rating is 53% dangerous.;Uninstalling this variant;If problems with Salus occur, you can do the following;consult Wixmedia ‘s Customer Service;remove the entire program using Windows Control Panel